General Settings
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Store Gold in Guild Market cycles the items by buying and selling them. For example, if you put Minimum Gold 100k, and there is an item in Guild Market, it will buy then sell it so you can collect gold in your package.
Select Hour: You can select for how long you want to put the item to guild market.
Hold Gold: Bot will make sure you will have enough gold your inventory after buying/selling process.
If you enable store gold in auction, bot will buy random rings/necklaces from auction to store gold. This is useful if you dont want your money to be stolen by other players.
Max Gold: Set this to an amount that bot will look for the items. For example if you put 100000, bot will try to buy after you have 100000 gold on your character.
Enable this to store forge resources. For example if you have Iron or Wood in your packages, bot will store them automatically to Horrerum.
Enable this for training. You can set how many times to train the stats and their priorities. Note that the bot won't train automatically if you don't set a priority. Make sure you input both.
For example: If you want to train Dexterity then Agility, make sure setting Dexteriy's Priority is 1, agility is 2. Then enter how many times you want to train that stat.
This will auto-donate gold to the guild. You need to set how much to donate. Note that you will also need to input when to donate gold so that bot puts a cooldown properly.
For example, if you want to donate 5k gold to guild every 5 minutes when you have over 100k. You need to set How much to donate to 5000, 'Donate when you have more than >' to 100k and you can set less than to 150k. So it will donate only when your gold is in between 100-150 to avoid mass donating.
You can add a delay to the bot here based on your desired time of delay. You can set the delay of up to 5 minutes.
This will make sure bot clicks with delay to avoid ban.