Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do i fix bot constantly refreshing?

A: There is more than one way this can happen (most of them ARE user error)

  • If you enter Hell(Underworld) without it being enabled in the bot "Auto Enter Hell / Hell Mode"

  • If you don't have the proper Dungeon/Expedition settings For example (if you are level 119, and dragon remains advanced opens at level 120. your dungeon will bugout and will keep on refreshing)

  • If for example you run a costume and run out of food (with general goods being empty) and you have disabled the auto refresh shops

  • If you run event expedition and you run out of points, (instead of using your rubies it will try to refresh like it thinks the attack is on cooldown)

Q: How do I transfer a license from one Character to another?

A:Transfer inquires need to be done personally by sending a DM to Glad (aku993) on discord and it will be sorted out.

Q: Can I run more than one Account on the same license?

A:No!; Keep in mind that running multiple accounts on the same license is not possible, Its 1 license per 1 character.

Q: Is the program mobile user friendly?

A: Short answer is yes, for more detailed instructions visit Mobile Support.

Q: What does reset bot do?

A: It clears your application cache of your Gladiatus session. Including GCA, GladBot. So make sure to export your Gladbot, Crazy-Addon settings.

Q: How do i acquire Ultra premium key?

A: To acquire ultra premium key, you need to message "Glad(aku993)" directly.

Q: How do i make my program smelt only specific prefixes and suffixes?

A: Okay, there is a couple of steps to do that.

  • go to the smelt tab

  • there U will see 2 coulumns, which state "prefix" and "suffix"

  • there u can write what prefixes exact u want to smelt, (also works the same for the auction house but instead of smelting, it looks for those items(also makes the bot faster))

Last updated