Circus Turma
Circus Turma Settings
Auto Attack
You can add players names here to attack other users.
Bot will try to attack to these users every 5 minutes, after 5 minutes if it will give timeout of 15 minutes for each user.
Avoid Attack
Players added here will not be attacked.
Attack Guild Members
Players added here will not be attacked.
Automatically add people to the 'Auto Attack' list
This option will add users to 'Auto Attack' list if you steal more gold than the amount you put.
Automatically add people to the 'Avoid Attack' list when you lose to them
When you lose in the arena, it will add the user to the list.
Scoreboard Attacks
Enable Scoreboard Attack
Enables scoreboard attack.
Select Range to Attack
Bot will attack to users in the list you choose. For example, if you choose 51-100 it will attack to people in the Highscore list that you see under 51-100 page.
League Attack
Enable League Attack
Enables league attack.
Randomly Attack
When enabled, bot will attack randomly in the leaderboard, avoiding Guild Members.
Attack lowest to highest
When enabled, bot will try to attack from lowest level to highest in the leaderboard.
Last updated